- Tag, Element, Attributes
- Headings
- Paragraphl
- Attributes
- div
- list
- span
- text-formatting
- entities
- table
- iframe
- link
- form
- layout
- header
- aside and nav element
- figure & figcaption
- summary & details
- time element
- Semantic Elements
- Forms
- multimedia
- small website
- Canvas and Graphics: Learn to draw shapes and create animations using them.
- SVG Graphics: Understand inline SVG and its manipulation with CSS and JS.
- Web Storage API: Use localStorage and sessionStorage for client-side storage.
- Geolocation API: Access and display user location with the Geolocation API.
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Learn about Service Workers and Web Workers.
- Accessibility (A11y):What and Why?
- Advanced Media Features: Customize audio and video controls.
- Portfolio Website: Build a personal portfolio and other small projects using semantic HTML.
- Blog Platform: Design a responsive blog with multimedia content.